School Uniform
We believe that school uniform helps to instil a sense of pride in the school, fostering a feeling of community and belonging amongst pupils. Our school uniform is practical, smart and cost-effective. It sets a high standard of appearance for all, whilst creating a sense of equality among peers.
We encourage all pupils to wear our school uniform.
- Yellow polo shirt or yellow summer dresses
- Black cardigan/sweatshirt/fleece – with the Alma Park logo
- Black or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
- Tights and socks must be grey, black or white
Children should wear plain black smart school footwear or well fastened smart, black sandals. They should not wear trainers, unless it is PE day, or wellies during the school day.
Hairbands and head scarves should be plain. There should be no jewellery other than earstuds and watches.
Pre loved
To support our families we have a 'New to You' school uniform service for parents/carers, in a bid to help parents and carers who are struggling with the cost of living crisis. Parents wishing to make use of this service are asked to speak to our main office to arrange to collect the uniform.
PE Kits
Outdoor Games - Children should come into school in their PE kit so that they don’t have to change in the classroom. The kit is black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt. In cold weather, a tracksuit top and joggers may also be worn.
Dance and Gymnastics - Children should wear black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.
Our official supplier for school uniform with the Alma Park logo is M.C.S stores. Uniforms without the logo can be bought from any high street supermarket, but these should reflect the style of school trousers, skirts, dresses and polo shirts.
School book bags can be purchased from the school office. These are an ideal size for carrying school letters, books and homework, ensuring they stay safe and dry in the rain. These are available to purchase for £6.