Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr Mason
Mr Cole
Meet the Team
Mr Mason, Mr Cole, Mrs Kinnear, Mme Lie, Mr Hooper
If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Year 4 staff or email
Welcome to Year 4! In Year 4, children continue on their journey through KS2, learning and growing each and every day. As a class, we promote resilience, positive thinking and high aspirations, ensuring every child works hard to ensure they progress and achieve their full potential.
Here, you can find an overview of the Year 4 Curriculum. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.
What’s happening this half-term?
We are looking at place value up to 10,000. Using and placing numbers on number lines up to 10,000.
This will be followed by rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Once we have finished looking at place value, we will then move onto looking at column addition and column subtraction.
In Year 4, the children sit a national multiplication test in June. To support your children, you can gain access to practice tests here.
- Fiction
A Wishing Tale - Non-fiction
Non-Chronological Report
History: Ancient Egypt
We are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. The children will see how this ancient culture has influenced our lives in Britain, today.
Science: Animals, including Humans.
We will be learning about the importance of the human digestive system and why we need to look after our bodies. We will look at food chains in nature, exploring the ideas of predators and prey.
Computing: We Are Software Developers.
The children will explore how educational games work. They will then use Scratch to develop, test and play their own educational computer game.
DT: Cooking Nutrition - a varied and healthy diet.
We will be learning about the importance of eating a wide variety of healthy foods. The children will be designing, taste-testing and making their own pizzas.
RE: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain, today?
The children will explore the Hindu deities and their characteristics. We will look at the importance of prayer, duty and aims in Hindu life.
We will be learning about friendships. The class will discuss how we can have healthy, positive friendships whether online or in our daily lives.
- Learning to ask questions and give answers.
- Sentence building, further adjectives and vocabulary for a game.
- Masculine nouns and feminine nouns.
This half term Year 4 will have Outdoor Games on a Tuesday and Dance on a Wednesday. Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on those days.
Outdoor Games (Tuesday) - Orienteering
Kit: Trainers, black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings, and a plain white t-shirt (a tracksuit top and joggers may be worn if cold). Please ensure hair is tied back.
Dance (Wednesday)
Kit: Black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt. Please ensure hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn.
Swimming (Thursday)
Your child needs to bring in a separate bag-a towel, swimsuit or trunks and a swimming hat if your child has long hair. Please do not bring goggles or wear ear-rings on this day.
In class we are currently reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Please read with your child every day and comment in their reading record when you do. Reading books should be in school everyday for independent reading and can be changed everyday.
Spellings will be sent out every week on a Friday to learn for a spelling test the following Friday.
This half term's BrainBuilder can be found here
TTRockstars – click here
Year 4: Celebrations and Enrichments items
There are no Celebrations and Enrichments items to display