Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs MacNeill

Miss Fenton

Meet the team

1M - Mrs MacNeill, Mrs Gomez, Mr Ahenkorah

1F - Miss Fenton and Mrs Bousie

If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Year 1 staff or email


Welcome to Year 1! Year 1 is an exciting time, as children move away from child-led learning and begin to learn from the National Curriculum. As we adapt to new timetables and routines, we work together as a class to meet challenges with confidence and celebrate our achievements.

Here, you can find an overview of the Year 1 Curriculum. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.

The knowledge organisers and the brainbuilder for this half term are listed at the bottom of this page.



This half term:


  • We will be learning about place value and addition and subtraction within 10
  • Counting forwards and backwards to 30 and counting forwards and backwards in 10s to 100
  • Time - days of the week


Talk for Writing unit: We are focussing on sentence writing through the story 'This is the Bear'.

  • To say a sentence aloud
  • Write correctly punctuated sentences - to include capital letter and full stop
  • Using the conjunction 'and'


  • 'Have I changed since I was born?'
  • 'What did my commuity and school look like before I was born?'




Exploring pushes and pulls


Design and Technology

Free-standing structures


'We are celebrating'

  • Develop basic keyboard skills through typing and formating text
  • Develop basic mouse skills
  • use teh web to find and select images

Religious Education:

'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?'



  • Relationships - respecting ourselevs and others
  • Health and wellbeing - keeping safe
  • Living in the wider world -belonging to a community


African drums


Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on the following days.

  • Outdoor Games - Monday

    We are learning to run, jump and throw.

Kit: Trainers, black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings, and a plain white t-shirt (a tracksuit top and joggers may be worn if cold)

  • Dance/Gymnastics - Thursday

 Kit: Black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.


In class we are currently reading a range of different stories about a range of topics, that can be linked to our half termly targets in other subjects.

We encourage the children to borrow a book from our library to read for their enjoyment. We would be very grateful if you could make sure they bring them back every week to get a different book to read to you at home. Please record when they read to you in their reading record books. 

Please read with your child every day. You can access their guided reading text through the Collins E-Book app in addition to reading for pleasure.


Spellings will be sent out every week on Monday, which children will learn for a spelling test on the following Monday.

This half term's BrainBuilder can be found below:



We are planning a trip to the local park to look at the playground equipment for our D&T unit.


Year 1: Celebrations and Enrichments items

There are no Celebrations and Enrichments items to display