Thank you very much for supporting your child’s education through excellent attendance and punctuality. Our attendance is currently 96%, which is fantastic. This has been above the national average for more than 5 years. We are very proud of this record and are keen to maintain it. We encourage excellent punctuality and attendance by:
- Rewarding children with 100% attendance and no lates at the end of each academic year with book tokens
- Celebrating best class attendance each week
- Rewarding most punctual class - free hot toast before break on Fridays
- Families rewarded for supporting punctuality through celebration breakfast at our breakfast club
Late registration - Our registration time begins at 8:55am and closes at 9:15am.
Children arriving between 8:55am and 9:15am will receive a late mark (L). This will affect their overall punctuality at school but not their overall attendance.
Children arriving after 9:15am with no proof of medical evidence or a medical appointment letter, will receive an unauthorised late mark (U code) which will affect their overall attendance. Please be aware that families will be liable for fixed penalty notice fines if their child has accrued 5 or more sessions marked with the U code.
Absence in term time
We are required to remind all families of Manchester City Council’s policy regarding absence in term time which states the following:
Parents/Carers of all pupils who accrue unauthorised absence are now duly warned from the date of this information being published, that they may receive a penalty notice or be prosecuted in the Magistrate’s Court.
Where a Parent/Carer removes their child during term-time without authorisation, they may be liable for a penalty notice or prosecution in the Magistrate’s Court.
Penalty notices are issued to each parent for each child. They will then incur a fine of £120 to be paid within 28 days. (Reduced to £60 if paid within the first 21 days).
Failure to pay the penalty notice may result in legal proceedings being taken against you. Other statutory action may also be considered under the Education Act 1996, which may result in you being prosecuted in the Magistrates’ Court. If you are found guilty, you will receive a criminal record and may receive a fine of up to £2,500 and/or three months’ imprisonment.
Children attending Alma Park Nursery
Our attendance policy states that children accruing unauthorised absence of 5 days or more will have their place withdrawn. It will be offered to the next child on the waiting list. Families are welcome to reapply for a Nursery place but need to be aware that a place is not guaranteed. Families are advised not to book holidays in term time.
Medical Evidence
It is important to provide the school with medical evidence for absences relating to illness, e.g. copy of prescriptions or medical/appointment cards.
We want to continue to work with families to support good attendance. If your child is experiencing any problems affecting their attendance or punctuality, then please contact the school on 0161 224 8789 to discuss how we can help.
Once again thank you for supporting us with these matters. Regular, daily attendance ast school is vital to children’s learning and wellbeing. By working together we feel we can enable our children to reach their full potential and improve their future outcomes.
Reporting an Absence
Parents and Carers of all children must inform the school office of their child’s absence before 9:30am.
Our office staff will contact families regarding their child’s absence once registers are closed if we have not already been informed of your child’s absence.
Please note we do not authorise term-time holidays and that unauthorised absences can result in penalty fines and loss of school places.
If you have any queries or need any help with the above, please speak to a member of our office staff.
Tel: 0161 224 8789