Zen Zone 2023 - 2024

Miss Fenton

Meet the Team

Miss Fenton, Mrs Minshull, Mrs Tierney, Miss Young

If you have any questions, please email zz@almapark.manchester.sch.uk


 Welcome to the Zen Zone! Here you will get a taste of what is happening in the Zen Zone each half term. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.

In Maths this half term, our focus is on fractions. We are learning how to recognise and find halves, quarters, and thirds. There are great practical activities that you can practise at home too. For example, can you divide a cake into halves or quarters? Can you share your sweets equally with 3 friends? We are also continuing to learn our times tables and number bonds - practising and consolidating these skills frequently will help children’s mathematical thinking throughout school.

In English, we will follow the whole school T4W procedures. However, when needed, written tasks will be adapted to follow a more Narrative Therapy format. This half term we are learning all about bees and will be writing our own instructions on how to do the waggle dance.

Have a look at the video here if you want to have a go at learning the waggle dance.

We will be focussing on sentence writing, using imperative (bossy) verbs and using time openers to sequence our instructions.

Daily phonics sessions will also be delivered in the zen zone following the 'Little Wandle' scheme.

In addition to the English and Maths activities that we have planned, we try to include a practical ‘outdoor’ activity each day which provides play-based learning and an opportunity for a brain break between activities. Sensory breaks are also offered most mornings.

We will send home 3 words each week for your child to learn how to spell. These words are based on an initial assessment and are personalised for your child.

Please continue to read with your child at home and write in their reading record. Their reading books will be changed weekly.

Go to: Reading Eggs

Lear how to use Reading Eggs here

Useful Websites:

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Zen Zone: Celebrations and Enrichments items

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